How NOT to relate to this year’s incoming students

Each passing year, the commonalities between myself and my new students diminish, making it more and more difficult to relate to them using social references. This is never more obvious than when, in an ill-fated attempt to ad lib a joke in class (one that is actually really funny), it results in unresponsive students and blank stares.

“Oh come on, that Wayne’s World reference was funny! Wait, what’s Wayne’s World you ask? SERIOUSLY?!?” (*Actual interaction with a class of 25 students… Eight. Years. Ago.)

Luckily, Beloit College has come to the rescue by posting this year’s Mindset List. Aimed to put the lives of incoming class of college freshmen in context, this list provides important details to professors about what references will and won’t work when trying to bond with students.

Born in 1997, the class of 2019 is almost a half the age of Bart Simpson, who is now technically 34. According to the list, this year’s freshmen have never licked a postage stamp, never talked on a corded phone, and have spent their entire lives growing up alongside the cast of South Park. They were born after the tragic deaths of Princess Diana, Jacques Cousteau, Mother Teresa, and Notorious B.I.G.

One thing not mentioned on the list is this: Alanis Morissette is currently putting out a special edition of Jagged Little Pill this October to celebrate the album’s 20th anniversary. Well isn’t that ironic?